Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Costa Rica Photos Complete!


I finally bore down today and completed my Costa Rica photos.  All of my favourites can now be viewed here:  Below are a few samples.

The next stage will be to attempt to correctly identify all of the critters - especially the herps - from the photos.

Hog-nosed Anole




Thursday, April 8, 2010

Finally Some Photos!


I have finally gained a bit of momentum on the photo front - the first installment of Costa Rica photos are uploaded to the website.  Have a look at them here:  I'm hoping this momentum will keep me rolling as there are many more to upload.  Some will look familiar as they have been posted on the blog in a preliminary form, but others (especially the Tortuguero and Corcovado ones) should be new.  Also I have prioritized posting the photos over identification, so many of the species are not fully ID'd - all in due time.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Working on it...


Well the long and tedious job of photo processing is well underway.  It will still be a few days before I can get the majority of them up, but in the meantime, here's one of the coolest finds of the trip (way to go Bryna!).

Eyelash Viper (Bothriechis schlegelii)

More to come...
