Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cuba Installment #1


So I've begun editing the Cuba photos - there are more than I thought!  I also seem to have attacked them in a strange order.  Here are a few seemingly random photos:

Cuban Ground Boa (Tropidophis melanurus)

This heron really threw me - I had never seen a white-morph juvenile Reddish Egret before.  Good job on the ID team!

Reddish Egret (Egretta rufescens)

Purple Gallinule (Porphyrio martinica)



That's all for now!  Maybe next time I'll manage some sort of comprehensible order and pleasant commentary.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Back from Cuba!


I am back from Cuba, and it was an interesting trip to say the least!  Personal highlights include Cuban Ground Boa (2 species), Cuban Trogon, Cuban Pygmy-Owl, Fernandina's Flicker, Cuban Parrot, Green Moray and others.  All told we saw about 75 bird species including 8 endemics and 17 new ones for me.

The photography was a little patchy on the trip for various reasons, but I did manage to grab a few shots here and there.  I have some sorting and editing to do, but here is a quick first-look:

Cuban Ground Boa (Tropidophis melanurus)

More to come!


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!


Yet another photo-less post, I know.  Things have been busy, what can I say?  But it will all change shortly!  I have been invited to join a trip to Cuba and help out with some bird ID and other things.  We leave in 4 days and stay for 8.  I am really hoping to spend a solid amount of time taking pictures!

We will be staying near Santa Cruz del Norte for most of the trip, with a special tour to Zapata Swamp (home of such exciting endemics as Zapata Sparrow, Zapata Wren, Zapata Rail, Cuban Crocodile and others).  See the following map for an idea of the geography (A is where we are staying , B is the swamp).

View Larger Map

Fingers crossed for exciting things!  I will not have internet access during the trip, but will post some photos upon return.
