Tuesday, March 29, 2011


So I was looking for something to post, since I haven't had the camera out for far too long, and I came upon this photo from Cuba that I had forgotten about.  It was actually just a quick grab with the point-and-shoot, but it is the subject matter that makes the photo interesting.  This spider appears to be carrying her young on her back!  I've never seen this behaviour in spiders before, though it is certainly common in scorpions.

Pretty cool stuff!



Sadly I have none!  After a teaser of spring, winter seems to be dragging out forever!  I thought we were only days from the first frog calling, then we got 6 inches of snow.  I am downhearted.

Nevertheless I remain optimistic.  This week should see the temperatures rise and the snow melt, and perhaps the amphibians will grace us with their presence.  One can only hope.

Deep breaths....

Friday, March 11, 2011

It always gets worse before it gets better...


Just a quick note to let you know I'm still here!  I haven't been posting much these days, mostly because there's little to post about.  This has got to be the worst time of year for nature photography in Ontario - it's all mud and slop and ugly.  And to top it all off, I've got a wicked cold.  Ever the optimist...

There is hope on the horizon though.  Spring is almost here.  Think of the happier times...the sunnier times...the springier times.  Here's a butterfly:

Don't you feel happier?  Keep those spirits up and we'll be knee-deep in frogs before you know it!

I should mention that I'm underslept and possibly delirious with fever...
