At long last I am getting settled back in and to the
giant stack of photos sitting on my desktop. I've set my sights on the Madagascar frogs as my first conquest, and it is proving to be a daunting foe! The country is home to more frogs than breeding birds, and although we barely scratched the surface I took a ton of photos. Anyway, here is the first of what I hope will be 2 installments.
The first (like a few others) is a repost - or rather a proper edit of an earlier photo - but worth revisiting! One of the must-see frogs in Madagascar - the Baron's Mantella (skilfully found by our guide - a feat not as easy as you'd think):
Baron's Mantella (
Mantella baroni)
A pretty little frog found all over the country:
Betsileo Reed Frog (
Heterixalus betsileo)
Betsileo Reed Frog (
Heterixalus betsileo)
There are more frogs in Madagascar than there are names for them, and many of the smaller species don't seem to have one.
No Common Name (
Blommersia grandisonae)
Greater Madagascan Green Treefrog (
Boophis luteus)
We found this little forest frog in a number of places, and it never seemed to look the same twice. In the breeding season they turn completely yellow!
Madagascar Wood Frog (
Aglyptodactylus madagascariensis)
Madagascar Wood Frog (
Aglyptodactylus madagascariensis)
Madagascar Wood Frog (
Aglyptodactylus madagascariensis)
Madagascar Wood Frog (
Aglyptodactylus madagascariensis)
Another common frog, this guy is strikingly similar (in both appearance and behaviour) to our Leopard Frogs.
Mascarene Grass Frog (
Ptychadena madagascariensis)
Mascarene Grass Frog (
Ptychadena madagascariensis)
This next one is vexing - it took forever to identify this little frog, and nowhere can I find another photo in which it is sporting its mossy camouflage. I had assumed the 'moss' was fake - simply a part of the frog's skin - but now I'm not so sure...
Moser's Forest Frog (
Gephyromantis moseri)
Another seemingly nameless, but pretty, little forest frog.
No Common Name (
Platypelis barbouri)
Wow, that was a long one! Hopefully more to come soon!