Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Big Day!


Big day today!  I decided, for my last day off in Monteverde, that I would bite the bullet and pay the big bucks for a birdwatching tour of the Preserve.  Aside from being a shameless attempt to see a Quetzal, I hoped that this tour would also turn up some of the less-observable species that I had thus far missed.  I was quite pleased with the result picking up one adult male Resplendent Quetzal and 13 other new species.  The last of which, Green Hermit, becomes my 500th life bird!

As if the day could actually get better, my guide found (on a tip from another guide) a species that I've been dying to see since I got here.  I had not taken my big camera (preferring to focus my attention on actually seeing birds) but was glad that I had my point-and-shoot to grab a couple of shots of this amazing little creature.  It is my only photo upload for today.

Side-striped Palm Viper juvenile (Bothriechis lateralis)

Until next time!
Happy Kyle

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